Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.
Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.

3*50g Leonidas bars in a personalised pouch.

Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.
Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.

Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.

Personalised box filled with 1 Leonidas praline.
Personalised box filled with 1 Leonidas praline.
Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.

Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.

Personalised box filled with 1 Leonidas heart praline.

Personalised box filled with Leonidas heart pralines.

Personalised suitcase box filled with 2 Leonidas heart chocolate
Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.

Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.

Personalised box filled with Leonidas pralines.
Carton box filled with 12 Leonidas napolitains.